Money Plant

Year: 2018

“A place for everything and everything on place”.  Moneyplant is a perfect one step solution for forex, broking and financial services in India, Singapore, UAE, Honkong etc.

Nine Degree designed the brand identity of Moneyplant keeping in mind the services offered by the company and the elements defining its scope of work. The monogram is an amalgamation of forward growth arrow and the stock market graph forming letter M’ The yellow arrow indicates growth and idea of heading in a direction with a great purpose.

In order to portray the nitty-gritty of the company’s utility and its stand apart global appearance we chose blue color which is commonly used with finance related identities. Furthermore, the forward arrow with bright yellow color was chosen to add a recall value.

Brand Identity Development


Application UI

Booth Design 

Money Plant
Money Plant
Money Plant
Money Plant